The Last Air Bender
Aang has been trapping in the ice mountain for one hundred years. And one day Katara and Saka had freed Aang .
Katara : Sokka, look! There is a human inside the ice. We must help him.
Sokka :Yeah, you’re right my lovely sister. Let’s help him come out from the ice.
Aang :Who are you? Where am I ?
Katara :Hello, I’m Katara and he is my brother, Sokka.
Now you are in North Pole. By the way who are you ?
Aang :I am the last Avatar, from the Last Air Bender.
Sokka :Wow! The Air Bender ? It’s so cool my man. We are from the water tribe.
Katara :Come on, come with us. We will bring you to our village.
Aang :Thank you. But I’m so sorry because I stil have mission, mission for saving this world from Fire
Sokka :Oh, no problem. We will come with you. You know my mother was killed by them and I want to
kill them too.
Before arriving in Fire Nation, they take a rest and make a friends to fight Fire Nation in Earth Kingdom.
Aang :As well as possible, we visit Earth Kingdom to meet my friend, Toph.
Toph :Aang, is that you ? I have been waiting you to fight Fire Nation.
Aang :Tomorrow, we’ll go to Fire Nation to fight the fire king. By the way I will introduce my friends
From Water Tribe.
Sokka :Hello, I am Sokka and she is my sister, Katara.
Can I take a rest in your kingdom ? I feel so tired.
Toph :Oh, yes of course. Come on follow me to my kingdom for taking a rest.
In other side, Fire Nation has prepared to fight with Aang.
Azula :Zuko, should we add our troops ?
Zuko :Oh no . You just stay here. Aang and his friends can’t fight our nation.
Azula :But we must guard, so our fortress can’t be destroyed by them.
Zuko :Calm down, my sister. Our nation will be ok .
Suddenly Mai come to ask Zuko to attend the meeting for battle with Aang.
Mai :Zuko, You must attend the meeting with general.
Zuko :I Won’t. Our nation it’s gonna be ok. So, why must I attend the meeting ?
Mai :But you are the candidate of the Fire King in Fire Nation.
Azula :It’s okay Mai. Just leave him alone here. Come on get out of here.
The next day Aang and his friends come, and attack the Fire Nation.
Sokka :Katara, I think we should go back and just eat crackers in our home.
Katara :What are you talking about Sokka ? Are You afraid to fight with them ?
Toph :We don’t have much time to be afraid.
Aang :Let’s go ! We must destroy this fire nation and bring freedom for this world.
Inside the castle Azula, Mai, Zuko, and General, watch the battle.
Azula : You know what are they doing ?
Mai : I don’t know. Maybe they want to make a joke for us, or maybe they want to be our servants?
Azula :General, what must we do ?
Zuko :It could be better, if we go to sleep.
Azula :Hey! What are you talking about? How can you say like that ?
General:Do not ever consider them trivial.
Troop :Excuse me, General. They had made a big damage in our nation.
Mai :What? They can’t make a big damage in our nation.
General:Just prepare our troops, momentarily we want to fight them.
Troop :Okay General. I will prepare our troops.
General:It is be better, if both of you prepare themselves to fight with them.
Mai :Okay General. I believe that they will lose from us.
General:Zuko, We hope you join with us to participate in saving this nation.
Zuko :Ok ok. One day I will help you. I will call you later, ok ?
Azula :I think my brother is going to be crazy.
Troop :General ,there are many troops killed.
General:What you said? Bring all remaining troops from the center city.
Troop :Okay General. I will bring them and try to hold Avatar and his friends.
Katara :Aang just goes away from here and find Zuko and kill him.
Aang :Okay, take care by yourself and be careful.
Troop :You must die, because you have destroyed this Fire Nation .
Sokka :What you said ?Just talk to my hand, ok ? because you should die.
Toph : Sokka don’t talk to much, just fight them.
Zuko :Just say goodbye the useless Earth Bender.
Toph :Zuko is not easy to kill me.
Aang :Just go away from here Toph. I will handle him.
Troop :You can’t kill our handsome prince, Zuko.
Toph :who says that? people like you is so easy for me.
Katara :Stop! Look it ?, what you have done. There is no other way to find freedom besides war ? why not We make a peace, because with that will makes this world save and calm .
General:Ha Ha Ha Ha…….what you said? How much do you know about peace ?
Sokka :I know about peace. A peace is likes this (show his fingers).
Zuko :Katara was right. We should make a peace and makes this world save.
Azula :What you said, Zuko? Do you protect that girl ?
Zuko :I’m not mean like that. But I think this war just make waste our time.
Aang :You are right, it’s better we end this war.
There is no word “ too late” for regret.
The end