Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

narsis time .

next destination . .

after we went to the beach. my family and I went to the hotel, and then we went to the room which that room has a horror story. check it the pictures . .

my uncle and I

my holiday . .

060111 - went to pelabuhan ratu :))

my family and I spend the school holiday to pelabuhan ratu in sukabumi. i really love this place. the beach is very beautiful. I reall want to go there once again. I LOVE my holiday .

Jumat, 12 November 2010

obat herbal

Daun Salam

Khasiat : Obat Kencing manis / Diabetes Mellitus
Cara Penggunaan : Cuci 7-15 lembar daun salam segar, lau rebus dalam 3
gelas air samapai tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin, saring
dan air saringannya diminum sekaligus sebelum makan.
Lakukan sehari 2 kali.


Khasiat : Obat demam
Cara Penggunaan : Ambil timun dua-tiga biji. Parut dan peras airnya.
Tempelkan parutan timun pada bagian perut.
Lakukan hingga demam mereda.

Tapak Dara

Khasiat : Obat Luka Bakar
Cara Penggunaan : Petiklah beberapa helai daun. Tumbuk halus dengan
beras hingga seperti bubur. Tempelkan pada bagian
tubuh yang terkena luka bakar.

Asam Jawa

Khasiat : Alergi / Biduren
Cara Penggunaan : Ambil 2-3 golong buah asam jawa yang telah tua,
garam ½ sendok teh, 1/4 sendok kapur sirih.
semua bahan direbus dengan 3 gelas air sampai
mendidih hingga tinggal 2 gelas dan disaring.
Diminum 2 kali sehari, pagi dan sore.

Kulit Rambutan

Khasiat : Obat demam
Cara penggunaan : Ambil 11 buah kulit rambutan .
Cuci kulit rambutan hingga bersih lalu dipotong kecil-
kecil dan rebus bahan dengan 3 gelas air hingga airnya
tersisa 1,5 gelas. Minum 2 kali sehari masing-masing
3/4 gelas.

Kelopak Bunga Mawar

Khasiat : Mengatasi kekeringan pada bibir
Cara Penggunaan : Ambilah 7-10 kelopak bunga mawar, selanjutnya
rendam dalam susu segar selama beberapa 2-3jam.
Hasil rendaman selanjutnya dioleskan ke bibir.

Daun kemangi

Khasiat : Obat masuk angin
Cara Penggunaan : Rebus 4-5 daun kemangi bersama irisan 1 siung bawang
Merah, dan 1 sendok minyak kelapa. Hasil rebusan di
Dioleskan pada dada, perut, dan punggung.

Labu Siam

Khasiat : Obat gusi berdarah
Cara Penggunaan : Parut setengah labu siam , beri dua sendok air matang
dan satu sendok madu, minum 3 kali sehari,

Drama The last Air Bender

The Last Air Bender

Aang has been trapping in the ice mountain for one hundred years. And one day Katara and Saka had freed Aang .
Katara : Sokka, look! There is a human inside the ice. We must help him.
Sokka :Yeah, you’re right my lovely sister. Let’s help him come out from the ice.

Aang :Who are you? Where am I ?
Katara :Hello, I’m Katara and he is my brother, Sokka.
Now you are in North Pole. By the way who are you ?
Aang :I am the last Avatar, from the Last Air Bender.
Sokka :Wow! The Air Bender ? It’s so cool my man. We are from the water tribe.
Katara :Come on, come with us. We will bring you to our village.
Aang :Thank you. But I’m so sorry because I stil have mission, mission for saving this world from Fire
Sokka :Oh, no problem. We will come with you. You know my mother was killed by them and I want to
kill them too.

Before arriving in Fire Nation, they take a rest and make a friends to fight Fire Nation in Earth Kingdom.

Aang :As well as possible, we visit Earth Kingdom to meet my friend, Toph.
Toph :Aang, is that you ? I have been waiting you to fight Fire Nation.
Aang :Tomorrow, we’ll go to Fire Nation to fight the fire king. By the way I will introduce my friends
From Water Tribe.
Sokka :Hello, I am Sokka and she is my sister, Katara.
Can I take a rest in your kingdom ? I feel so tired.
Toph :Oh, yes of course. Come on follow me to my kingdom for taking a rest.

In other side, Fire Nation has prepared to fight with Aang.

Azula :Zuko, should we add our troops ?
Zuko :Oh no . You just stay here. Aang and his friends can’t fight our nation.
Azula :But we must guard, so our fortress can’t be destroyed by them.
Zuko :Calm down, my sister. Our nation will be ok .

Suddenly Mai come to ask Zuko to attend the meeting for battle with Aang.

Mai :Zuko, You must attend the meeting with general.
Zuko :I Won’t. Our nation it’s gonna be ok. So, why must I attend the meeting ?
Mai :But you are the candidate of the Fire King in Fire Nation.
Azula :It’s okay Mai. Just leave him alone here. Come on get out of here.

The next day Aang and his friends come, and attack the Fire Nation.

Sokka :Katara, I think we should go back and just eat crackers in our home.
Katara :What are you talking about Sokka ? Are You afraid to fight with them ?
Toph :We don’t have much time to be afraid.
Aang :Let’s go ! We must destroy this fire nation and bring freedom for this world.

Inside the castle Azula, Mai, Zuko, and General, watch the battle.

Azula : You know what are they doing ?
Mai : I don’t know. Maybe they want to make a joke for us, or maybe they want to be our servants?
Azula :General, what must we do ?
Zuko :It could be better, if we go to sleep.
Azula :Hey! What are you talking about? How can you say like that ?
General:Do not ever consider them trivial.
Troop :Excuse me, General. They had made a big damage in our nation.
Mai :What? They can’t make a big damage in our nation.
General:Just prepare our troops, momentarily we want to fight them.
Troop :Okay General. I will prepare our troops.
General:It is be better, if both of you prepare themselves to fight with them.
Mai :Okay General. I believe that they will lose from us.
General:Zuko, We hope you join with us to participate in saving this nation.
Zuko :Ok ok. One day I will help you. I will call you later, ok ?
Azula :I think my brother is going to be crazy.
Troop :General ,there are many troops killed.
General:What you said? Bring all remaining troops from the center city.
Troop :Okay General. I will bring them and try to hold Avatar and his friends.

Katara :Aang just goes away from here and find Zuko and kill him.
Aang :Okay, take care by yourself and be careful.

Troop :You must die, because you have destroyed this Fire Nation .
Sokka :What you said ?Just talk to my hand, ok ? because you should die.

Toph : Sokka don’t talk to much, just fight them.
Zuko :Just say goodbye the useless Earth Bender.
Toph :Zuko is not easy to kill me.
Aang :Just go away from here Toph. I will handle him.
Troop :You can’t kill our handsome prince, Zuko.
Toph :who says that? people like you is so easy for me.
Katara :Stop! Look it ?, what you have done. There is no other way to find freedom besides war ? why not We make a peace, because with that will makes this world save and calm .
General:Ha Ha Ha Ha…….what you said? How much do you know about peace ?
Sokka :I know about peace. A peace is likes this (show his fingers).
Zuko :Katara was right. We should make a peace and makes this world save.
Azula :What you said, Zuko? Do you protect that girl ?
Zuko :I’m not mean like that. But I think this war just make waste our time.
Aang :You are right, it’s better we end this war.
There is no word “ too late” for regret.

The end

Kamis, 09 September 2010

FT Island new album "Beautiful journey"

Korea Group Music FT Island come back with their second mini album “Beautiful Journey” after making their major debut in Japan earlier this year for their singles “Flower Rock” and “Brand New Days“.

The main single “Love Love Love” is up into #1 on music site Monkey3 weekly chart just 1 week into their comeback.

Singer : FT Island
Album : Beautiful Journey
Released Date : 25 August 2010
Label : FNC Music

01 사랑 사랑 사랑 – Love Love Love
02 굳은 살이 박혀버려 – Callusus Being Stuck
03 Baby Love
04 미친 듯이 너 하나만 – Crazily Looking Only at You
05 돈키호테의 노래 – Don Quixote’s Song

source : moviekorean.com

Lucky - Britney Spears

This is a story about a girl named Lucky...

Early morning
She wakes up
Knock, knock, knock on the door

It's time for make up
Perfect smile
It's you they're all waiting for

They go...
"Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl ?"
And they say...

( Chorus )
She's so lucky
She's a star
But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart thinking
If there's nothing missing in my life
Then why do these tears come at night ?

Lost in an image
In a dream
But there's no one there to wake her up

And the world keep spinning
And she keeps on winning
But tell me what happens when it stops ?

They go...
"Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl ?"
And they say...

"Best actress, and the winner is... Lucky !"
"I'm Roger Johnson for Pop News standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky !"
"Oh, my God... here she comes !"

Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl ?
She's so lucky, but why does she cry ?
If there's nothing missing in her life
Why do tears come at night ?